14 October 2007

Brendan Jamison

Artists' Statement

Drawing inspiration from eastern philosophies and the science fiction genre, my sculpture practice involves the construction of objects from the everyday world that are transformed into vibrant-coloured 'exaggerations' and at times surreal 'other-worldly' forms. As the original identities and functions of the objects become altered, they can emerge as both strange and familiar, abstract and figurative, floating between the realms of fantasy and reality. Employing an intensity of colour, the installations imbue an immediate sense of fun and playfulness. Engaging the viewer on a level of simple elemental appreciation of colour and form, the pieces can evoke a return to the more innocent, curious, magical and fantasy-driven mindset of childhood. This viewing process can temporarily empty the mind of anxiety and negative thinking which can sometimes be bound up within our adult outlook on life. Therefore while the sculptures may appear escapist in nature - taking us to a place of pure imagination and freedom, they can also perhaps act as a catalyst to transporting us back to the present moment of reality with a fresher perspective and a renewed sense of optimism. In this sensory-heightened state, the mind has a stronger sense of awareness and connection, seeing things in the world as they truly are - in their simplest and purist form. WOOL SCULPTURES: WAX SCULPTURES: SUGAR-CUBE SCULPTURES: Energetic. Vibrant. Sweet. Warm. Fantasy. Fragile. Non-violent. Fun. Structured. Gentle. Playful. Controlled. Feminine. Pouring. Geometric. Comforting. Dripping. Architectural. Weightless. Spontaneous. Organic. Flowing. Organic. Masculine. Enveloping Fluid. Feminine. Transforming. Accident. Androgynous.

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