Aim: Design temporary play environments for indoor and outdoor use, constructed from found and recyled materials
Week1: Introductions, Explain Project, Games, Brainstorm Ideas, Sourcing Materials
Week2: How to construct shapes? What do the materials do?
Week3: Building and demonstrating
+ Alleyway bargain Hunt - 9th February
Week4: Fixing/Jointing
Week5: Insulation
+ Invite to exhibition in Golden Thread Gallery - 23rd February
week6: Painting/Accessorising
week7: Finalising Play Hubs
week8: Discuss Event
+Invite to Camping Excursion on 16th March
Week1: Introductions, Explain Project, Games, Brainstorm Ideas, Sourcing Materials
Week2: How to construct shapes? What do the materials do?
Week3: Building and demonstrating
+ Alleyway bargain Hunt - 9th February
Week4: Fixing/Jointing
Week5: Insulation
+ Invite to exhibition in Golden Thread Gallery - 23rd February
week6: Painting/Accessorising
week7: Finalising Play Hubs
week8: Discuss Event
+Invite to Camping Excursion on 16th March